Born at midnight, on an evening known as Devil’s Night, from a woman bearing a jack-o-lantern on her belly and an obstetrician with oversized werewolf feet in the Detroit Suburb of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, life got off to a creative start!

At a very early age, a strong interest in puppetry was fostered by very supportive parents and included many unique experiences including those with the Muppet’s creators Jim and Jane Henson, Frank Oz and many of the worlds most talented puppet creators and performers.

Soon after, a growing interest in magic developed, and early rehearsal foibles were featured every Sunday during the theme song of the second season of America’s Funniest Home Videos. The young magician performed a levitation for a mystifying Ford/UAW training video on proper lifting techniques.
In High School, a new video production studio enabled significant education in the medium and provided the space and equipment to devise a variety of special effect methods for live applications. This included very early exploration into what is now referred to as projection mapping. This is also where David’s skills were honed and several awards were garnered.

With heavy inspiration from David Copperfield, David began inventing and performing stage illusions under the brand “Magic on the Edge” from 1989-1994. At it’s height, more than 20 people- all under the age of 20 worked with David to produce shows all over the midwest.

David attended Columbia College in Chicago as an Interdisciplinary Arts major, including video production,
David’s interest in performance led to more than 10 years of gymnastics and circus arts training, utilized as the head of a small group of performers at legendary Chicago nightclub Crobar. A variety of ambient athletic performances were created combining circus, climbing and a variety of unusual rigging systems.
A full time creative position was held in 2002 at the opening of Hydrate Nightclub for 8 months followed by Crobar Nightclub for 7+ years, designing themed environments for the club patrons as well as the many private events hosted in the space.