"Thrilled with the look of the space! Very exciting!"
-Eric Andrew Hoff, Revival ProducerProduction Elements: Revival
We were tasked with creating an immersive themed environment for a evening of performance art at Chicago’s Pritzker Pavilion. The central element was a large, multi-function set piece dubbed “the chrysalis”. During the evening, a performer would cocoon themselves into a structure. Later, it would crack open revealing a teleportation of sorts. The project involved many complex challenges including budget, limited access with Pritzker facilities, and the complex requirements of the chrysalis. Taking cues from the angular geometry of the Pritzker Pavilion and the event’s logo, we created an open, glowing framework which served as an organic space to observe the chrysalis, dance and mingle. At the conclusion of the event our chrysalis cracked open, like something out of a David Copperfield show revealing the disappearance of the performer in a flurry of snow and smoke. The stage filled with snow as the Pavilion’s enormous glass curtain opened with the chill of genuine frigid air and artificial snow revealing the chrysalis performer who runs free. Performance art, ladies and Gentleman. It was a fun evening for all involved.