"If there's anyone that can create a party atmosphere, it's you David."
-Mike Matushka, Owner Nikki NightclubMarketing & Event Production: Nik's House Party
Nightclub Nikki hired us to create a new recurring Sunday party targeting a gay and industry audience, something that had been successful years earlier with the prior establishment Crobar, but now had significant competition and much less interest from those communities. The project was one of our biggest challenges and efforts in recent years. After considerable research we focused our marketing on Sunday brunch’s and the beach crowd including a plethora of guerilla-style marketing efforts. In addition to marketing efforts, we had to design an overlay to the nightclub space that felt much less “Saturday-night dance club” and more “Sunday afternoon house party”. No small potatoes.
Turning Nikki into Nik with our logo for the night intended to rebrand the night in a more casual form.
The poster for the night was printed on actual loose-leaf and with the illusion of a hand made flyer to emulate a house party.
In an effort to distance the night from the more intense nightclub parties from the previous establishment, a fake circuit party poster was created with the Nik’s House Party flyer tacked over top of it.
Our Fun Ball Machine was rigged with a variety of fun lighting effects including a signature red party cup. It was taken to targeted neighborhoods on a regular basis where it freely dispensed a variety of custom made, fun and interactive marketing items.
The “fun ball” capsules were custom fitted with branding and contained stickers, buttons, name tags and other custom items to entertain and engage.
Custom cootie catchers featuring images of popular area nightlife individuals invited further interaction at brunches.
One specific advertisement placed in a gay magazine during Chicago’s leather community annual event.
The event’s icon, the classic red plastic party cup was heavily utilized in the decorations for the night.
In the effort to tone down the overtly nightclub aesthetic, we took cues from backyard bbq’s, dorm decor, frat parties and the like for the evening’s theming.
Custom kaleidoscopic animations with the classic red party cup for the nightclubs many video displays.
We created a giant Etch-A-Sketch screen with red plastic party cups, and guest were able to draw on the glow in the dark screen with UV lasers.
Social media video advertisement focusing on the launch, coinciding with the holiday weekend.
Hologram firework effect I created outside the windows of the VIP suite area of Nikki nightclub.